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Formentera Insurance



1. Serious illness or serious injury or death of: the Insured; your spouse; first or second degree relative enrolled in the same reservation; the insured's companion, enrolled in the same reservation.

2. Serious damage as a result of theft, fire or other similar causes affecting: the habitual and/or secondary residence of the Insured; the professional premises in which the Insured is engaged in a self-employed profession or is its direct operator (manager).

3. Dismissal of the Insured, provided that there was no verbal or written notice at the beginning of the insurance.

4. Inclusion to a new job in another company, with a contract of employment and provided that the incorporation takes place after the accession of the insurance and of which there was no knowledge at the date when the reservation was made.

5. Subpoena as a party or member of a jury or witness in a court of law.

6. Name as a member of a polling station.

7. Submission to official opposition examinations called through a public body after signing insurance.

Expert's presentation

Intermundial Plus cancellation insurance , which will reimburse 100% of travel expenses in case of cancellation according to insurance conditions and for guaranteed reasons.