fbpx Winery Visit and Tasting in the Udine area | Yookye

Winery Visit and Tasting in the Udine area


Visit the Winery and Vineyards, learn the Philosophy that is applied to make Wine!

The work of the Winemaker is a complex and simple craft at the same time, but to learn the best you have to start thinking like him.

The Experience therefore begins with a tour of the Historic Vineyards where there will be insights depending on the season.

The trip will conclude with a Visit to the Winery and focuses on the different stages of production.

Before going, you will enjoy a leisurely Tasting of 5 wines from the Winery.



  • Vineyard Tour
  • Visit of the Winery
  • Tasting of 5 wines
Expert's presentation

Our family has developed a wine philosophy that combines the careful enhancement of the typicality of our grapes with the contribution that has come to us from generations of familiarity with the land and its products.

In addition to this, we have been willing and able to keep abreast of developments in oenological research.