fbpx Boat Tour from Tropea to Capo Vaticano with Aperitifs | Yookye

Boat Tour from Tropea to Capo Vaticano with Aperitifs


Prepare to experience a one-of-a-kind espereinza!"

Sail in the crystal clear waters aboard the Blue Ocean.

You will visit the three most beautiful bays on the coast, quiet the plunge is assured!


The Experience includes:

  • aperitif
    • various bruschetta
    • 1 glass of white wine or non-alcoholic drink
  • masks

Recommended aerobatics:

  • costume 
  • shoes
  • beach towel
Detailed programme

Full itinerary:

  • Skeleton Cave or White Cave
  • Stop at Bay of Riaci
    We will meet the famous Riaci rock and before we let you swim, we will tell a story of World War I with its beautiful caves created by 2 torpedoes fired from a warship.
    Duration: 30 minutes
  • Formicoli; We will pass by the rocks of the "Ants" and see the most important Roman port of the Roman Empire: Forum Erculis
  • Praia di Fuoco; we will circumnavigate the three beaches of Praia di Focu, encounter the Mantineo rock and the Cave of Love.
  • Bay of Grotticelle; The famous Bay of Caves will amaze you with its white sandy seabed where we will swim among many fish. After the swim the Blue Ocean aperitif will be served.
    Duration: 30 minutes
  • Tropea Beach; You will take the most beautiful photo of Tropea as seen from the sea, we will also stop to swim in front of the Palombo Cave and the Rotonda beaches.
    Duration: 30 minutes