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Lavender Room - Essence sensory oasis


The room is linked to a typical Sardinian plant, its color (color therapy) and its essence (aromatherapy).

The room is linked to a typical Sardinian plant, its color (color therapy) and its essence (aromatherapy)
The color (environment, walls, furniture and furnishings, lights in the shower) has an effect on body mind and spirit; the essential oil (in the burner and on the trunk in the head of the bed) also has an effect on body, mind and spirit, which reinforces the effect of the color.

The room offers:

  • Relaxation effect: suitable for those suffering from anxiety, migraine, insomnia
  • Environment color: different shades of purple on furniture, furnishings, walls
  • Lavender aromatherapy: essential oil on the headboard trunk, diffuser, candles, fresh parts of the plant
  • Private bathroom with chromotherapy shower

Description of the structure
Services included
Hot water
Air Conditioning
Hair dryer
Private entrance

Description of the structure

A unique example of traditional and sustainable architecture, L'Essenza is an exciting alternative to modern luxury hotels.
Located inland, on a hill overlooking the Rio Posada valley and the Tepilora Natural Park, this tiny ecoresort is half an hour from Olbia Costa Smeralda airport.
The structure of the Essenza is a reconstruction of the ancient nuraghe quadrilobato (a single central room with four circular rooms at the corners) just like the Nuraghe San Pietro we have downstream.