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Distillation Laboratory


After a tour of the Farm and the fields with an explanation of how planting takes place, how we use rainwater for irrigation and how we take advantage of the morphology of the land according to the different crops, we will move to our laboratory where you will witness the process of distilling an essential oil in a water vapor still. At the end you will be gifted a product made from our essential oil.

Duration: 120 minutes

Expert's presentation

To rediscover the traditions of yesteryear and to fully appreciate the courtesy and simplicity of Efrem and his farmhouse, I propose a truly unique experience:
The artisanal distillation workshop, where thanks to the ancient traditions carried on for generations, in the old workshops renovated by Efrem, you can experience for yourself how essential oils were made, and how to blend  the herbs grown on site that are used to give fragrance to your homes or closets, reliving with your senses your vacation.