Geomining Park of Sardinia

The 8 park areas, totaling 3800 square kilometers, enclose as many as 81 municipalities, making it one of the largest and most diverse national parks in Italy.
In 2007 the park was confirmed its international value with its inclusion in UNESCO's European and global GEOPARKS network, with the aim of recovering, protecting and enhancing a geological, mining, historical and environmental heritage unique in the world.
Natural link between the coastal areas of the island and the inland areas, the Park represents the means to create sustainable development and an opportunity for the economic and social redemption of the entire territory.
Visiting the Park areas means retracing 500 million years of the earth's history and 8 thousand years of mining history, during which different peoples, in search of minerals, have left traces of their cultures.
Natural link between the coastal areas of the island and the inland areas, the Park represents the means to create sustainable development and the opportunity for the economic and social redemption of the entire territory.
Visiting the Park areas means retracing 500 million years of the earth's history and 8 thousand years of mining history, during which different peoples, in search of minerals, have left traces of their cultures.
Situated in the center of the Mediterranean basin, the Geomining, Historical and Environmental Park of Sardinia has been declared the world's first Geomining Park, an emblematic example of the new worldwide network of Geosites-Geoparks established by UNESCO.
A thematic park within Sardinia, whose environmental, geological, and biological characteristics make it a small but whole continent.