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Tour of Siena - 2h


Our guided tour of Siena begins at Siena's famous Duomo, the Cathedral of the Assumption, a jewel of Gothic architecture and treasure chest containing the famous works of Michelangelo, Donatello and Bernini.

Monday through Saturday admission to the cathedral is included in the ticket. On Sundays, however, admission to the ancient medieval hospital of Santa Maria della scala is included.
During the floor uncovering period, duomo entrance included every day.

We will then visit the streets with Siena's most beautiful historic palaces, such as Palazzo Salimbeni, home of Monte dei Paschi, Palazzo Tolomei and Palazzi Chigi Saracini.

The tour will have its natural conclusion in the monumental Piazza del Campo, the beating heart of Sienese culture and extraordinary architectural setting in which the famous Palio di Siena takes place twice a year.

Expert's presentation

Itinerary particularly recommended for those visiting Siena for the first time and for those who want to rediscover the origins and most significant places of a city that was one of the most important economic and cultural centers of the Italian Middle Ages.

The historic center has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.